Primary Care Physician or Pain Management Doctor in Killeen TX?
Primary Care Physician or Pain Management Doctor in Killeen TX

When you are in pain there is a multitude of routes that you can take to try and help solve the issue. Here at Anthony Medical & Chiropractic Center, we thankfully have specialists in a number of different areas to help get to the source of your discomfort.
Your first choice should be your Primary Care Physician (PCP) in Killeen TX. They know your medical history better than anyone else and they should be able to help you take the next step if need be. Your PCP can assist in getting to the bottom of your discomfort, can also discuss the best treatment paths and will direct you to the right specialist if needed.
Treatment in Killeen TX
Treatment will vary from situation to situation, depending on the type of pain experienced and its location. Over 50 percent of people choose to see their PCP first, and then 40 percent see chiropractors, 7 percent seek acupuncture therapy, and 2 percent a pain physician.
It is an advantage if at your practice that there are pain, acupuncturists and chiropractors on staff so that your care can be centrally located and easy to access. If this is the case, your PCP can easily refer you to one of their colleagues and follow up on your care with them. Also leaving you accountable to immediately seek the treatment you need, instead of putting it off while you search for a specialist with an opening over the course of the next few months. With the next step located at the same office, you can just schedule an appointment with the proper care provider before you leave.
If you are experiencing pain and searching for a PCP in the Killeen TX area, Anthony Medical & Chiropractic Center is here to help. To learn more about our multi-clinician practice and to schedule an appointment.
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